Jump Start Your Ideation

Each podcast is a presentation of a single problem that will help you stretch your imagination and critical thinking skills before you start problem solving. The problems are formulated to not have a single “correct” answer but to give you the opportunity to have an open discourse on different approaches to a solution.

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Launch Pad Problems #10 - Oxygen Free Meeting Room


So how do you remove all the oxygen from the room you are in? And you have to do the removal today, so what do you have access to. Do this problem as a large group, find a solution then break down into smaller groups to tackle the smaller components. This will prepare you for the after part of your brainstorming.

I hope you enjoy the show. If you would like to interact with Soap Box Rocket, then follow Craig on twitter @SoapBoxRocket.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 5.78MB - Duration: 6:19 m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)

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