Jump Start Your Ideation

Each podcast is a presentation of a single problem that will help you stretch your imagination and critical thinking skills before you start problem solving. The problems are formulated to not have a single “correct” answer but to give you the opportunity to have an open discourse on different approaches to a solution.

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Launch Pad Problems #45 - Coin Flip Predictor


Today's problem is as simple or as complicated as you want it to be, just build a device that predicts a coin flip. To start make a list of all the things that can affect a coin flip.

In the second half I have a few tips for a facilitator to watch for to help prepare for the full idation session.

Here are ways to give feedback in the second half of the show:

  1. slack - http://lpp.soapboxrocket.com/slacksignup
  2. email
  3. twitter - @soapboxrocket



Filetype: MP3 - Size: 4.29MB - Duration: 4:41 m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)

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